How Do Ticks Get into Your Texas Home: How Worrisome They Can Be?

Ticks are dangerous pests that can enter your house. They are carriers of different harmful diseases. These pests are so tiny that you will not notice them crawling and attaching themselves to you. It takes just 24 hours for these critters to bite you, suck your blood, and transmit an incapacitating disease to you. These tiny vampires bite on people and animals. Fortunately, you can prevent these unwanted guests from causing harm to you and your loved ones through proactive pest control in Texas.

The majority of people pay attention and find ticks during warmer months. They check themselves, their kids, and their pets whenever they go outside. But they may let their guard down when winter comes as they think that ticks die. But do these pests really die?

What Happens to Ticks in Winter

In winter, ticks do not die. Rather, a lot of them will go into hibernation, so they can welcome the spring in full force. But many more of them will latch onto warm hosts. To avoid the coast, they hide in thick brush and can crawl onto you without your knowledge. Some of them, dig burrows into the ground where they can wait for a host to come by.

Despite the frigid and harsh winter, a lot of tick species still survive. Often, species like Lone Star ticks and Brown dogs remain in a dormant state during winter. But Blackleg ticks are usually winter-hardy and carry Lyme disease.

Did you know that ticks can lay eggs on you? Once hatched, the larvae can survive and feed on them the entire winter. For such pests, your house can become a winter haven as you may supply them with bloody cocktails. To protect yourself against ticks, you need to know your energy, no matter the season.

Avoiding Tick Bites in Winter

When it comes to ticks, you should not let your guard down, regardless of the season. You will not know when they will bite. Below are some tips to keep yourself safe from tick bites:

  • Use an appropriate repellant. The tick repellant you use during summer will also work for them in winter. Pick a lotion or spray with a DEET of at least 20% for your clothes and skin. You can also use a geranium essential oil; however, this should not be used on your pets.
  • Protect your pets. Speak with your vet about the best tick prevention for your fur friends all year round. The majority of them recommend a medication every month to repel the pests. Whenever your pet goes outside, check it for ticks thoroughly.
  • Treat the outdoor equipment. Ticks can latch onto camping gear, chairs, and other outdoor equipment while they wait for a host. To treat these pests, you can use permethrin products. However, you should not use these products on your skin. When used to treat outdoor winter clothes, they can last up to seventy washings.
  • Build tick-proof barriers. Ticks can access your skin through your sleeves, pantlegs, and shirt tails. Tucking everything you wear into each other will keep these pests at bay.
  • Stay away from their hiding spots. Ticks can survive by keeping themselves hidden in woodpiles and dense bush. Stay away from such areas. If you should carry in wood or cut bush, check for ticks afterward. Prevent your pets from wandering in dense bushes and weeds to ensure their safety against ticks.

Check for ticks regularly. Check yourself, loved ones, and pets for ticks during winter. Check around your body and scalp for attached or crawling ticks. Also, your hair dryer’s high heat will kill lingering ticks on clothes.