Monday, October 7, 2024

factors affecting the height of the building

Having a tall building of a specific height is a must, as height impacts the overall looks of the building. Various buildings are made for different purposes, and these purposes decide what the size of the building should be. Apart from the purpose, various other factors determine the overall structure and height of the building. In this article, we will discuss them one by one in a detailed manner. So, let us start.

Factors affecting the height of the building

Foundation height

A foundation is the baseline of the building. how tall is a 2 story house  The overall structure of the building stands on it. The stronger and more profound the foundation, the more stable the building will be. The foundations are like a slab that provides a broad base to the building, which later on protects the building from extreme weather such as rain, wind, flood, etc. Also, they are deliberately built higher in the areas receiving high rainfall throughout the year.

Purpose and design of the house

It depends on what significant purpose the building is. For example, commercial buildings, such as malls, schools, hospitals, etc., have higher ceilings than residential buildings.

Material used in the construction

The type of material used in the construction of the building is also an essential factor to consider for the height of the building. For example, suppose sound-quality stones and cement mixtures, iron rods, wood, etc., are being used in the construction of a specific building. In that case, that can be built with many stories, whereas a building made with weaker or low equality materials can only be made with a few floors.

Type of roof

Roofs add additional height to the building. Different types of roofs have different sizes; hence, the building’s height is significantly affected by it. Let us take an example: a flat roof will add very minimal height, whereas if you are choosing a designer roof, a slanting top will add significant size. Sloping roofs are usually typical in windy areas to prevent the direct blow on the tiles and stop them from falling.

Thickness of the floor

The construction of the floor could have a better impact on the height of the building as they add only a few inches (12 to 18 inches ) to the overall height.

Height of the first floor

In the olden times, the first floors were built higher than the other floors. This rule is followed even these days, too. They are creating more elevators than different floors in order to make the building well-ventilated, which depicts that the house is tall and well-ventilated.

Height of the other floors

As compared to the first floor, other floors are built a bit lower to provide a sense of safety, security, and coziness to the person living inside. But this is only used in some buildings, especially in the apartments where all the floors are built of equal size and height.

Height of attic

The absence of an attic can also have a significant impact on the height of the building. In an attic, add a minimum of 6 to 7 feet to the overall size. The attic also serves multiple purposes, such as it can be used for storing extra things, a play house for kids, an additional roof for guests, etc. They also give a different look to the structure of the building.

Number of stories in the building

The more stories there are, the higher the height of the building will be. Obviously, a building with four floors will be much taller than a building with just one floor. For instance, if someone asks how tall a 2-story house is, then we will add on the first floor and then The other floors separately with the attic and foundation height, too.

State legislation

Various states and cities in the countries have made specific rules for the height of the buildings that are built under their territories. The makers can not build any building above that range, or it will be punishable with some decided penalty. Also, some buildings that are situated near any airport are made a bit lower than the rest of the structures of other cities.


Factors such as overall foundation height, purpose, material used in the manufacturing, types of roof, presence of attic, thickness of floor, height of first and other floors, and the state legislation rules and regulations determine the overall height of the building that put on the significant impact on it.

So, these were the various factors that affected the overall height of the building. This article was helpful to you. For more queries, please comment below, and we will try to sort them as soon as possible.